Sunday, March 7, 2010


In This Posting:
1 Pay attention to the advice of experts
2 Progress
3 Curves.
4 Viewing panel
5 Cockpit


When I went on the kayak course presented by Mick Clarke ( last year, I heard what he said but I probably did not listen.
On 23 december 2009 my wife and lauched at Buffel's Bay (near Knysna - South Africa) in our kayaks and upon returning, and beaching I was "wiped-out" in, what I can imagine, could only could have been spectacular..
I lost my R 3 000.00 worth of glasses - which, on the other hand, maybe a good thing - one does not want to see 200 sunbathers enjoy your moment of humiliation..


Vissually very little progress has been made. However, a lot of time has been spent in hand-sanding the interior of the "cockpit", applying epoxy fillets, etc. Laying strips on the deck area only started last week-end. My stock of Red Cedar was depleted over the week-end. I kept one straw coloured plank for the deck and hopefully the supplier has more of these (fairly rare) coloured planks in stock.


My wife and I launched at the Durban bay this morning and I noticed that six of the (only) eight vessels that had launced, were Stealths. Shortly after we beached at about 9:30am , a lady in a Kevlar Stealth "Splash" - the latest addition to the Stealth family (see Stealth Performance Products )beached. I immediately walked closer to inspect the curves (mainly on the Splash) more closely. It was clear that the tight curves between the vertical sides and the deck could never be duplicated using rigid 20mm wide redwood strips. I have to settle for a slight "chine" near the fore and aft sections of the deck.


During the recent holidays in Plettenberg Bay we saw "Canadian-stlye" canoe, fitted with a safety glass viewing panel. This is obviously the way to go but since already left a trapezium-shaped hole in the bottom, safety glass will not be practical. (As far as I know, safety glass cannot be cut?)

Having built a vacuum "plant" over the week-end (for de-gassing silicone mold material), I am considering laminating 3mm thick plate glass to perspex with "Crystal Clear" resin purchased from AMT.

5. Cockpit

The frame around the cockpit still needs some bending to have a more fair curve at the aft section. (Hair dryer?) This frame will also be laminated to form a thicker section.

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